sâmbătă, 10 iulie 2010


Se-aduna, sugrumandu-mi calea. O imagine obscura, groteasca, de frunze rele spanzurate de tulpini cu tepi. Aud veninul cum susura si un miros de moarte vegetala. Un pericol nefast imi ameninta starea de calm...ma aduce aproape de disperare, o panica inexplicabila, ce se iveste din intuneric, precum un sarpe gata de atac. Sunt aproape. Aici. Pe carare. Le simt mirosul si le aud fosnetul, desi nu le vad. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu ma vor inveli in capcana lor vicleana. Sunt monstrii ce aduc spaima. Dar numai mie. De-asta mi-e si asa teama. Nimeni altcineva pare sa le observe. Numai eu. Si-mi fac cu ochiul, un ochi sticlos si nerabdator. Ma simt trecand pe langa ele, si ma fac sa cred ca de fapt vantul este cel ce le indreapta spre picioarele mele goale. Si sunt atinsa!!!
Cu un tipat asurzitor, ma trezesc in intunericul dormitorului meu pustiu, si aud claxonul unei masini in surda noapte. Am visat...iar. Ce usurare.

joi, 17 iunie 2010

Tricky snake

She was standing on top of that building, watching the radiant sunrise. The chilly morning gave her skin goosebumps. She took the last shot of her cigarette, and layed on her back...the beautiful azure sky felt like a refreshing sea in which the birds were gently splashing their wings.
Her brown reddish hair was shimmering in the sunlight and her hazel-green eyes sparkled because of her occasional tears. She didn't know what those tears were for. All she could feel was just confusion. She was going almost mad...her sences were tricking her every time, all her life. She didn't know what she wanted, if the friends she had were really her friends, if her parents loved her or not, if she feels love or if it's just a feeling that would have passed later. She drowned herself in that dark swirling feeling and couldn't get back out. No knight in shiny armor to save her, to erase all those ambiguous thoughts...What was she for real, what was her personality, what were her aspiations?... She just stood there for hours, and hours, untill her black Dunhill pack got empty. Then, she returned back home, double clicked on the WoW icon on her desktop and glenced upon her beautifull rogue...

joi, 15 octombrie 2009


Fracul noptii umbreste sclipirile tarzii ale orasului,
Iar mie mi s-a stricat tasta "ctrl".
Ne vedem in Dumbrava Minunata...